A doctor explains how to take healthcare measures on our medical internship for high school students in Tanzania

Medical Internship for High School Students in Tanzania

Gain valuable medical experience learning from professional doctors and nurses in vibrant Tanzania


  • Shadow nurses and doctors, and see what the day-to-day life of a doctor in Tanzania is like.
  • During outreach work you can use some of the practical skills you’ve learnt to provide basic healthcare to rural communities.
  • We have scheduled cultural and tourist activities which you can enjoy with a group of like-minded volunteers your age. Our local staff will be there to guide you 24/7.
  • Clinical Shadowing Hours: 25 to 50
  • Volunteer Service Hours: 15 to 30
  • Download a sample itinerary for this project.


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Is a Medicine internship in Tanzania for teenagers right for me?

This internship is ideal for you if you’re a high school student interested in a medical career. You’ll gain practical experience that will give your CV an extra edge. In addition, the outreach work you do will also help demonstrate your commitment to helping others. 

If you’re not sure if a career in medicine is for you, this is the chance to see what it’s like to be a doctor or nurse. You can get valuable insight into this career path before committing to years of studying. You’ll also gain skills that are valuable in every career, like teamwork, planning, and leadership.

You don’t need any particular experience or qualifications to join. All of your work is supervised, and our staff are there to guide and help you every step of the way.

For this project, our staff have designed a set itinerary of work and cultural and leisure activities specifically for teenagers. It’s the perfect project for you if you want to get the most out of your time abroad without the added stress of organising your own activities.

High school students sit in on a consultation during their medical internship in Tanzania

What will I do on this Medicine internship for high school students?

You’ll spend time working in hospitals and getting practical medical experience in a Maasai community. Here are some of the tasks you’ll do:

  • Shadow qualified doctors and nurses in a large hospital in Arusha
  • Attend regular medical workshops and learn about medical conditions common in Tanzania
  • Provide Maasai people with basic healthcare during medical outreaches
  • Explore Tanzania with a group of volunteers your age

Shadow doctors and nurses

As part of this internship, you’ll get to observe the work of doctors and nurses. You’ll be assigned a supervising doctor who will guide you through your different tasks.

Get the chance to see first-hand what working in a hospital in Tanzania is like. You’ll sit in on consultations and get to see how to use specialised medical equipment.

Because the hospital where you work is under-resourced, you’ll also get to see the innovative ways doctors cope with running out of supplies. It’ll give you a broader understanding of how medicine is practised in another country.

Attend workshops run by healthcare professionals

You’ll spend part of this internship attending medical workshops. You’ll learn about common diseases  in Tanzania, like malaria and HIV/AIDS. Doctors will also give you first aid training or teach you things like how to suture or give injections.

You’ll also learn practical skills like how to measure blood pressure and blood sugar. You’ll then use these skills at medical outreaches.

Help at medical outreaches

During your time in Tanzania, you’ll participate in medical outreaches. These cover different topics, but you’ll always have plenty of preparation during workshops beforehand. Some examples include visiting a kindergarten to share knowledge about the importance of oral hygiene, or doing basic health checks in a Maasai community.

The communities where we hold outreaches are usually remote or rural, with no access to regular medical care. So the work you do during outreaches will help improve access to basic healthcare for these communities.

Explore this beautiful country

This programme has a set itinerary and although you’ll be doing lots of learning, there are also plenty of leisure activities in between. So, as part of this project, you’ll get to explore Tanzania and learn more about local culture. Through all your adventures, you’ll be with a group of volunteers your age. Our friendly staff will also be there to guide and supervise you.

You’ll have a cooking lesson to learn how to cook local dishes. During a visit to a Maasai community, you’ll enjoy a traditional lunch and get to see handmade beaded jewellery. You’ll even have a weekend safari through a breath-taking wildlife reserve.

Where in Tanzania will I be working?


You’ll be based in Arusha, a city in northern Tanzania. This city is an eclectic mix of modern and less developed buildings. It’s a buzzing city, filled with local markets and restaurants. On the outskirts, there are lush landscapes and the serene beauty of the African savannah.

You’ll work in a hospital and in remote communities. The hospital where you work will be less developed than you’re used to, giving you the chance to see a different side of healthcare. You’ll also conduct outreaches in remote communities, particularly in a rural Maasai community. You might also run outreaches in kindergartens or care centres.

Afhentning i lufthavn, fly og visum

Når du ankommer til lufthavnen, står der en Projects Abroad medarbejder klar til at tage imod dig. Du kan finde mere information om ankomst til lufthavnen, orientering og visum på vores side om ankomst til Tanzania

What are the aims and impact of this Medicine internship in Tanzania?

The aim of this project is to give you an introduction to a career in medicine. You’ll learn practical medical skills that will give you the confidence for university applications. You’ll also get to see what working in a hospital would be like, which can help you decide on your future career path.

We also aim to provide basic healthcare to remote and rural communities. These communities don’t have the funds or transport to seek regular medical assistance. By helping at outreaches, you’ll help doctors advise and treat patients in these communities. You’ll also raise awareness about disease prevention.

Join this internship for high school students, gain medical experience, and help us work towards providing basic healthcare for disadvantaged groups in Tanzania.

A doctor demonstrates measuring heart rate on our medical internship for teenagers in Tanzania

Management plans

Vi beskriver vores målsætninger for vores projekter i dokumenter, som vi kalder Management Plans. Vi bruger dem til at planlægge vores arbejde på en grundig og officiel måde. De hjælper os også med at gøre vores projekter bedre. Det betyder også, at du kan blive en del af noget, som faktisk har en stor indflydelse der, hvor der er brug for det.

Læs mere om vores Management Plans

Measuring our impact

Hvert år gør tusindvis af frivillige på vores ungdomsprojekter aktivt en forskel rundt omkring i verden. I løbet af deres tid i udlandet, bidrager de til opnåelsen af langsigtede mål og har en langvarig indflydelse på de lokalsamfund, de arbejder i.

Vi udarbejder en årlig Impact Report for vores ungdomsprojekter, som dokumenterer nogle af disse præstationer og resultater.

Find ud af mere om disse projekters indflydelse, og læs den seneste rapport

Kost og logi

Du bor hos en værtsfamilie i Arusha. De byder dig velkommen i deres hjem og er ivrige efter at dele deres kultur med dig, samt at lade dig lære dem om din egen kultur. Vi tror på, at det er den bedste måde at fordybe dig i kulturen i Tanzania og at få en virkelig unik oplevelse.

Vi forsøger altid at lade dig bo sammen med mindst én anden Projects Abroad frivillig eller praktikant hos den samme værtsfamilie. Dit værelse kommer til at være beskedent men komfortabelt, rent og trygt.

Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen.  

Få mere viden om vores boligforhold.

Sikkerhed og personalesupport

Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.


Find ud af mere om sikkerhed og assistance.

Når du tilmelder dig, betaler du kun 2950 kr., som bliver fratrukket projektprisen.

Vil du gerne deltage på mere end ét projekt? Ring til os på +45 35 15 21 20 for at se om vi kan tilbyde dig en god pris.

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