Your safety is important to us. That’s why you’re required to obtain appropriate travel and medical insurance that will cover you for the entire duration of your project and travels abroad.
Your travel insurance policy must include emergency medical including repatriation, personal accident, personal liability and loss of baggage.
If you have any questions about obtaining insurance, your Destination Expert will be on hand to offer advice as part of your pre-departure process.
Hvis du skal til Cambodja, Kina, Etiopien, Ghana, Jamaica (i mere end én måned), Kenya, Mongoliet, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand eller Vietnam, skal du købe et visum. Vores visumteam giver dig detaljeret information om de specifikke visumkrav for din destination, når du har tilmeldt dig.
Vi anbefaler dig at konsultere egen læge angående opdateret information om vaccinationer. Da vi ikke er lægefagligt personale, kan vi kun give uformelle råd om vaccinationer og andre medicinske emner.
Kan du ikke finde det, du søger?
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