A high school student takes a child's blood sugar measure on our medical internship in Peru

Medical Internship in Peru for Teenagers

Learn directly from doctors in hospitals and do health checks during outreaches with a group your age.


  • Get a head start with your medical career by taking part in this exciting Medical Internship in Peru for teenagers. You will work with experienced doctors and nurses in clinical settings. This will give you an insight into healthcare practice in developing countries.
  • You will work in disadvantaged communities, do health checks, and raise awareness about diseases.
  • You will live with a local host family in Cusco and attend a High School Special designed for teenagers. Our staff will be there to provide constant support and guidance.
  • Clinical Shadowing Hours: 15 to 35
  • Volunteer Service Hours: 10 to 25
  • Download an itinerary for this project.


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Is this Medical Internship in Peru for teenagers right for me?

Are you considering studying medicine? Or, perhaps you want to find out if it is the right career for you. This internship will give you a deeper insight into the reality of day-to-day work as a doctor, which could help your decision.


The experience you gain will also boost your CV, giving you an extra edge. You can also talk about what you did and learned during interviews and application essays. The outreach work you take part in will also demonstrate your commitment to helping others.


This internship is specially designed for teenagers between 15 and 18. You’ll work in a group with teenagers your age from around the world. This is an amazing opportunity to build connections and make friends across the globe.


Because this work is for teenagers, you don’t need previous experience to join. We’ll teach you everything you need to know, and all of your work is supervised.


This High School Special runs over fixed dates in the summer. All your activities, from your project work to your weekend activities, are supervised by Projects Abroad staff.

A child being assessed through Projects Abroad's medical internship for high school students in Peru

What will I do on this project?

We have put together an itinerary filled with medical observation and outreach work, along with exciting social and weekend activities. These  are some of the main activities you’ll take part in:

  • Shadow and observe doctors and nurses in a medical facility
  • Take part in medical outreaches to provide healthcare to those in need
  • Attend medical workshops to learn more about healthcare in Peru
  • Experience Peruvian culture and visit some amazing places

Your project activities will mainly focus on the following:

Shadow and observe doctors and nurses in a medical facility

Your role at the hospital or clinic is strictly observational. You’ll focus on learning by shadowing doctors and nurses on their rounds at a medical facility. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss different patient’s cases. Your time will be spent in various wards, including the emergency unit. You’ll even get to observe surgeries.

Attend medical workshops to learn more about healthcare in Peru

You’ll attend workshops to build your knowledge of healthcare in Peru. Workshops focus on themes like:

  • Common diseases in Peru
  • First aid
  • Traditional medicine
  • Nutritional cooking

If you join us for four-weeks, we have organised one or two Spanish lessons per week for you to learn key phrases relating to medicine.

Take part in medical outreaches to provide healthcare to those in need

Many communities in Peru do not have access to basic healthcare services. We want to bring healthcare to these communities, and we do this through regular outreaches. You’ll join these outreaches, and do basic health checks.

You’ll also raise awareness around important health issues with those you visit. In addition, you can promote the importance of good nutrition, and educate people during fluoride campaigns. The outreaches will be at places like an elderly home or in rural communities around Cusco.

Experience Peruvian culture and visit some amazing places

Peru is a fascinating country, rich in culture and heritage. We’ll make sure that you absorb a lot of of it during your trip!

In the evenings, we’ll organise events like salsa dance classes and visits to local restaurants and museums. Over the weekend, you’ll visit Machu Picchu, and bathe in the hot springs of Aguas Calientes. There will be plenty of time to buy all souvenirs, and shop till you drop at colourful markets. All your activities will be supervised by our staff in Peru.

Where will I work in Peru?


You'll be based in the bustling city of Cusco. Cusco was once the capital of the ancient Incan Empire. You'll see countless reminders of this as you walk through the city today.

You’ll work in busy hospitals and medical clinics, and do outreach work in disadvantaged communities.

Peru has huge problems with infectious diseases, and non-communicable diseases like diabetes and heart disease. This means that there will be plenty of practical cases for you to observe and learn from.

Afhentning i lufthavn, fly og visum

Når du ankommer til lufthavnen, står der en Projects Abroad medarbejder klar til at tage imod dig. Du kan finde mere information om ankomst til lufthavnen, orientering og visum på vores side om ankomst til Peru

Aims and Impact of the Medicine Project in Peru for teenagers

The main aim of this project is to give you the opportunity to expand your practical medical knowledge. We also teach you basic medical skills that you can use to help others during outreaches in disadvantaged communities. 


Peru currently suffers from a double burden of disease. Infectious disease remains prominent in underprivileged communities, and respiratory diseases remain Peru’s leading causes of death. Non-communicable diseases like diabetes are also on the rise, and malnutrition amongst babies and children remains a serious issue.


Through our medical outreach programme, we aim to provide basic healthcare to some of these vulnerable groups. We also work to raise awareness about some of the more pressing health issues facing the country.


We have set several long-term goals for our medical work in Peru. We hope interns will expand their knowledge of medical practices in a different country. Through continued efforts, we hope to improve healthcare services in disadvantaged communities.


Join our Medical Internship for teenagers in Peru to help us achieve these goals, and gain invaluable work experience in healthcare.

A group of Projects Abroad interns on our medical internship for teenagers in Peru

Management plans

Vi beskriver vores målsætninger for vores projekter i dokumenter, som vi kalder Management Plans. Vi bruger dem til at planlægge vores arbejde på en grundig og officiel måde. De hjælper os også med at gøre vores projekter bedre. Det betyder også, at du kan blive en del af noget, som faktisk har en stor indflydelse der, hvor der er brug for det.

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Measuring our impact

Hvert år gør tusindvis af frivillige på vores ungdomsprojekter aktivt en forskel rundt omkring i verden. I løbet af deres tid i udlandet, bidrager de til opnåelsen af langsigtede mål og har en langvarig indflydelse på de lokalsamfund, de arbejder i.

Vi udarbejder en årlig Impact Report for vores ungdomsprojekter, som dokumenterer nogle af disse præstationer og resultater.

Find ud af mere om disse projekters indflydelse, og læs den seneste rapport

Kost og logi

Du bor hos en værtsfamilie i Cusco. De byder dig velkommen i deres hjem og er ivrige efter at dele deres kultur med dig, samt at lade dig lære dem om din egen kultur. Vi tror på, at det er den bedste måde at fordybe dig i kulturen i Peru og at få en virkelig unik oplevelse.

På vores ungdomsprojekter forsøger vi altid at få det til at passe, så du bor med mindst én anden frivillig på samme alder og af samme køn som dig hos din værtsfamilie. Dit værelse kommer til at være trygt, komfortabelt og rent.

Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen. 

Få mere viden om vores boligforhold.

Sikkerhed og personalesupport

Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.


Find ud af mere om sikkerhed og assistance.

Når du tilmelder dig, betaler du kun 2950 kr., som bliver fratrukket projektprisen.

Vil du gerne deltage på mere end ét projekt? Ring til os på +45 35 15 21 20 for at se om vi kan tilbyde dig en god pris.

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