A child participates in a sports day during our volunteer sports coaching in Ecuador

Volunteer Sports Coaching in Ecuador

Work with local coaches at a community sports club and help disadvantaged youths develop their athletic skills


Volunteer as a sports coach in Ecuador and help develop the sports skills of young players from disadvantaged backgrounds. You’ll work closely with local coaches at a community sports club. This is a great way to give back while gaining practical coaching experience.   

Sports are extremely popular in Ecuador. Unfortunately, a lack of resources and poverty can prevent many children from participating. We work with a local club to offer free entry to these children. By coaching kids at the club, you can improve access to sport and develop their fitness and athletic ability. You mainly teach football, but you can also coach sports like basketball, Zumba, and Taekwondo.

You live and work in San Cristobal, and stay with a local host family. This will be your home away from home and the perfect setting to experience the hospitality, culture, and traditions of the Galapagos islands. You can also choose to stay with other volunteers in shared accommodation.


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16 eller derover

Is volunteering as a sports coach in Ecuador right for me?

Are you passionate about sports and fitness? Do you enjoy working with children? Then our Sports Club Project in Ecuador is perfect for you!

We work with several community-run sports clubs. They provide free sports lessons to children, teenagers, and adults. You will focus on coaching younger children and teenagers between the ages of 8 and 16 years old. 

This is an excellent opportunity for you to refine your own skills and gain hands-on sports coaching experience in Ecuador. Don't worry if you have no previous coaching experience. You will work with local staff who can help and guide you.

The local sports coaches do not speak English. We strongly recommend learning some basic Spanish before you arrive. Contact us to learn more about the Spanish Language Course we offer in Ecuador, which can teach you basic phrases related to sports coaching.

Our sports coaching placement in Ecuador runs year round, and you can join at any time. You will need to be able to spend at least two weeks on the project. We encourage you to stay longer so you can have a bigger impact on the kids you work with. 

A Projects Abroad volunteer coaching sports in Ecuador helps out with a sports day

What will I do on this project?

You’ll work at a community-run sports club on San Cristobal Island, in the Galapagos. Here are some of the tasks you can expect to do during your placement:

  • Teach various sports, with a large focus on coaching football
  • Help local coaches come up with interesting and diverse training sessions
  • Learn new skills that could boost your own career

As a volunteer teaching sports in Ecuador, your work will mainly focus on the following areas:

Teach sports

The most important aspect of your time as a volunteer sports coach in Ecuador is coaching children, and helping to improve their fitness and ability.

You mainly teach football, but you can also coach sports like basketball, Zumba, and Taekwondo. The Zumba classes are open to both children and adults. Adults from the local community enjoy participating in the sessions run by staff and volunteers. It would be beneficial to have basic Zumba skills, but this is not a requirement. In terms of teaching Taekwondo, there is a local Taekwondo instructor who will assist with the sessions. However, if you have some experience or training in martial arts, that would be useful.

You work with small groups that are divided by age and ability. You will find that every student is different and they will  benefit greatly from your attention to improve their performance.

Help local coaches plan training sessions

Regardless of the sport you are coaching, you will help to develop student's basic skills and techniques. Emphasis is also put on enjoyment and participation. This is because the students attending these sports clubs have a real passion for it. Your role, therefore, will be to help make sure the fun and enthusiasm continues.

Keeping this in mind, you will help local coaches plan training sessions that are fun, interesting, and encourage the students to come back regularly.

Learn new skills

Whether you have coaching experience or not, this project will offer loads of opportunity to broaden your skill set.

Firstly, you will be working alongside experienced local coaches, who will be able to advise you on improving your own techniques. Secondly, living on Galapagos is an excellent opportunity to learn Spanish or improve on your language skills if you already speak it.

Where you work as a sports coach in Ecuador

San Cristobal

You’ll live and work on the island of San Cristobal, which forms part of the Galapagos archipelago. 

The Galapagos Islands are hugely popular for anyone with an interest in biology, science, and wildlife. These volcanic islands are home to a vast number of species that occur nowhere else in the world. A few examples include the Giant tortoise, marine iguanas, Galapagos fur seals, and Galapagos penguins.

Even though San Cristobal is the capital of Ecuador’s Galapagos province, it’s still more of a port town than a city. It’s home to several pristine white beaches, but only two are for people. The others are all devoted to the protection of the local sea lion population.

As for your work, you will be based at one of three community-run sports clubs on the island. There is definitely an emphasis on football. However, if you’re passionate about other sporting types, there may be opportunities to expand the scope of activities.

For the duration of your time as a volunteer, you will be living with a local host family. This is an amazing opportunity to learn more about the culture, traditions, and food of the Galapagos Islands. We also offer an option where you can stay in shared accommodation with other volunteers.

Afhentning i lufthavn, fly og visum

Når du ankommer til lufthavnen, står der en Projects Abroad medarbejder klar til at tage imod dig. Du kan finde mere information om ankomst til lufthavnen, orientering og visum på vores side om ankomst til Ecuador

A typical day as a volunteer sports coach in Ecuador

You will start your mornings with a hearty breakfast in your host family’s home. From here, you will make use of public transport to get to your placement. On your first day, our staff will accompany you to show you the way.

Your average working hours per day vary, depending on the placement. However, you would normally work about 4-5 hours day.

At some of our placements, you will start at 7:30am and finish at 12:30pm. However, others only start in the afternoon, which means you may work from 4pm to 7pm. For those who work in the afternoons, it’s possible to combine our coaching placement with a Care or Teaching Project to fill up your morning hours too.

The first hour of your working day will be dedicated to meet with the local coaches to help coordinate and plan coaching sessions. These meetings will also be a useful time to discuss team selections and match strategies.

You will get plenty of free time to explore with your fellow volunteers. Galapagos is a fascinating island with many adventures waiting to be had. If you have a whole weekend free, visit some of the national parks, take a trip to the beach, or go snorkelling.

A sports instructor volunteers as a sports coach in Ecuador and leads a football practice

What are the aims and impacts of our Sports Project in Ecuador?

The main aim of this project is to help disadvantaged youth learn important life skills through sports. Because sports teach children essential skills, such as teamwork, health and fitness, it can help open doors to a better life.

Sport is extremely popular in Ecuador and there are many children wishing to participate. However, due to a lack of resources, opportunity is limited. Through our Non-school Sports Club Project, young players are given a chance to participate. We also focus on sports coaching because it teaches valuable life skills, like teamwork, and encourages regular exercise for healthy living.

We need your help to reach more children and encourage their development through sports. You can do this as long as you have a passion for fitness and sports, and enjoy working with kids.

Join us in Ecuador today to help improve the lives of disadvantaged young people through sport.

A warm up session as part of Projects Abroad's volunteer sports coaching in Ecuador

Måling af vores indflydelse

Vores projekter arbejder mod klare, langsigtede mål med specifikke, årlige målsætninger. Hver eneste frivillig og praktikant, som vi sender ud på disse projekter, hjælper os med at komme nærmere vores mål.

Vi udarbejder en Global Impact Report, som dokumenterer vores præstationer og resultater.

Find ud af mere om den indflydelse, som vores globale fællesskab af frivillige, praktikanter og personale har, og læs den seneste rapport. 

Kost og logi

Du bliver indkvarteret sammen med andre Projects Abroad frivillige og praktikanter i løbet af dit ophold på San Cristóbal. På den måde kan du lære de andre frivillige at kende, dele jeres oplevelser og udforske jeres omgivelser sammen i jeres fritid. Du kan også bede om at blive indkvarteret hos en lokal værtsfamilie.

Dit værelse kommer til at være trygt, komfortabelt og rent. Din projektpris inkluderer tre måltider om dagen.

Få mere viden om vores boligforhold

Aktiviteter og fritid

Vores projekter i Ecuador finder sted på Galapagosøerne. Dette område er verdensberømt for den forskning, som Charles Darwin udførte her på grund af de mange unikke dyrearter, som lever på øerne. Øgruppen er det perfekte sted at udforske Ecuadors smukke natur.

Når du arbejder frivilligt i Ecuador, kan du bruge din fritid på at besøge de smukke sandstrande, hvor havfuglene flyver rundt og søløverne ligger og slapper af i sandet. Du kan også snorkle eller dykke langs med kysten.

Det er en spændende og spektakulær oplevelse at vandre rundt om foden på en af de mange vulkaner, som Galapagosøerne består af. Du kan også følge Darwin stien eller vandre gennem Punta Pitt.

Der er masser af museer og kunstudstillinger, så du kan lære mere om landets kultur og historie. Du kan også snakke med lokalbefolkningen og købe souvenirs på de travle markeder.

En af de bedste ting ved at deltage på vores projekter er, at du kan få muligheden for at bygge relationer til andre frivillige. Du kan derfor vælge at bruge din fritid på at udforske Galapagosøerne på egen hånd, eller du kan rejse rundt med nye venner, som du møder på din rejse. 

Sikkerhed og personalesupport

Din sikkerhed er vores højeste prioritet. Vi har mange procedurer og systemer, som sikrer, at du får den støtte, du skal bruge for at nyde din rejse med ro i sindet. Vores Projects Abroad personale er til rådighed døgnet rundt for at hjælpe, og de står klar til at sikre, at du falder godt til i din nye bolig og på dit projekt. Hvis du støder ind i problemer, vil de være klar til at hjælpe dig til hver en tid.


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Når du tilmelder dig, betaler du kun 2950 kr., som bliver fratrukket projektprisen.

Vil du gerne deltage på mere end ét projekt? Ring til os på +45 35 15 21 20 for at se om vi kan tilbyde dig en god pris.

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